Our Executive
Robert Ridge
Catherine Lewis
Vice President
David Clarke
Honorary Secretary. President/Delegate to Western Metropolitan District Council of sub-branches.
Peter Rowe
Peter Howard
Vice President/ Trustee
Robert Campbell
By Laws
The Monthly General Meeting of the Sub-Branch shall be held on the 1st (first) Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Sub-Branch premises;
After the “ODE” has been recited, Members will face the photo of the reigning Monarch and repeat after the President or Chairman the words: “God Save The Queen/King;”
All Members shall sign the Attendance Book on entering the meeting place. Members will not wear headgear in any place where the meetings are help; they call be reasonably dressed and are requested to wear the “League Badge” at all meetings;
Upon notification of death of a Member or his Wife the Secretary will arrange for a wreath to be sent on behalf of the Sub-Branch. In all other cases of a Member’s family a letter of condolence will be sent;
(a) The policy of the Sub-Branch regarding Welfare shall be: Where possible ex-service personnel residing in the Sub-Branch districts will be eligible for Welfare irrespective of whether they are members of the Sub-Branch; (b) Membership fees of Members attaining the age of Sixty (60) years who have been members of the League for the proceeding Five (5) years may be met from the Sub-Branch Benevolent Fund. Welfare Officers may recommend any Member for the application of the Clause (b), By-Law 5;
The Benevolent Fund shall be administered by the Executive of the Sub-Branch. Welfare Officers will investigate all cases brought to their notice and make their own recommendations to the Executive. Benevolent Orders shall be paid by two (2) of the Executive.
All monies shall be received by the Secretary. No receipt is valid unless signed by the Secretary or his empowered deputy. The Secretary will pay such monies to the Treasurer who can sign for monies received. No purchase of goods of any description on behalf of the Sub-Branch is to be made unless over the signature of the Secretary;
The Treasurer shall bank all monies received and shall be responsible for keeping of such books, as may be required by a Public Accountant, who shall be the Sub-club Auditor;
The President or Chairman may request an Member to leave a meeting for unseemly conduct or behaviour; if the Member refuses to leave when so requested, the President or Chairman will have the right to suspend such Member until charges are heard against him; the procedure laid down by the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. Constitution to be followed;
To change these By-Laws, by addition or deletion, it will be necessary for the written Notice of Motion to be handed to the Secretary fourteen (14) days before the Sub-Branch General Meeting.